Registrations are open for admission to “MilleVoci”,
Youth Choir and Choral Singing School
of the International Academy of Organ and Early Music
Giuseppe Gherardeschi – Pistoia and Il Rossignolo.
The selections, free and valid for the Academic Year 2022/2023,
they cater to girls and boys between the ages of 7 and 17
who love to sing and have fun with music.
Participation in the audition is not binding
at the next registration to the choir.
The auditions will be held in Pistoia at the Gherardeschi Academy
on the following days and times:
Monday, June 27 th – 6 pm
Tuesday, August 9 th – 6 pm
Saturday, September 10 th – 10,30 am
To register for the auditions:
Send a message containing
name – surname – age of the participant
whatsapp address or email address of a parent to:
mail: didattica@ilrossignolo.com
whatsapp: 388 2484570
No specific musical knowledge is required for admission, other than passion and a predisposition for singing.
Heads of the Choir and the Choral School: